UltraFlora Mother & Baby Probiotic 60 Capsules

UltraFlora Mother & Baby Probiotic 60 Capsules



UltraFlora Mother and Baby is specifically crafted to support the overall health and wellbeing of women throughout pregnancy and provide postpartum support to the mother and the baby’s development. This unique formulation contains meticulously researched probiotic strains, including Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LGG®), Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis (BB-12®), Bifidobacterium breve (M-16v), and Bifidobacterium longum (BB536). By providing beneficial intestinal flora, UltraFlora Mother and Baby stands as the probiotic of choice for supporting healthy pregnancy and foetal development.

This vegan-friendly formula is designed to be taken once daily to maintain maternal health. After the baby’s birth, simply empty the contents of 1 capsule and mix it with breast milk, formula, or water once daily to support the baby’s gut flora and immune health.

UltraFlora Mother & Baby is a scientifically formulated probiotic blend designed to support both pregnant women and infants, endorsed by healthcare professionals for its targeted benefits:

Behavioural Support and Neurodevelopment: Probiotic strains like LGG® given prenatally and postpartum have shown in trials to reduce behavioural complaints associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in children.

Colic Reduction and Improved Infant Comfort: BB-12 supplementation in breastfed infants significantly reduces excessive crying, improves sleep patterns, and enhances parents’ quality of life within 21 days.

Atopy Prevention and Immune Support: Administration of LGG® during late pregnancy and infancy reduces allergies and eczema by boosting anti-inflammatory factors like TGF-β2 in breast milk.

These probiotics also support maternal health:
Maternal Glucose Metabolism: 
BB-12 and LGG® supplementation during pregnancy aids in glucose metabolism and reduces central weight gain postpartum.

UltraFlora Mother & Baby promotes healthy gut microbiota in infants by enhancing bifidobacterium levels and improving immune responses. This comprehensive support makes it a trusted choice for enhancing maternal and infant health outcomes.


Pregnant and breastfeeding women:
Take 1 capsule daily to support baby’s development.
Take 1 capsule twice daily for maternal health.

Infants (from birth):
Empty contents of 1 capsule and mix with breast milk, formula or water once daily to support baby’s gut flora and immune health. Or as directed by your healthcare professional.


Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.

If you are concerned about the health of yourself or your baby, talk to your health practitioner.

If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional.


Store at 2°C to 8°C. (Refrigerate. Do not freeze.)

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